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Sesi 65 Week of 3rd August 2015

Heavenly Message in Nine Major Marian Apparition


Sebagai umat katolik, kita mengetahui bahwa Bunda Maria telah beberapa kali menampakkan diri dan membawa pesan Ilahi kepada manusia, melalui sesi ini, kita akan belajar mengenai penampakan Bunda Maria yang telah diakui oleh gereja katolik, pesan-pesan Ilahi yang ada di dalamnya, dan juga pembelaan iman kita sebagai umat Katolik untuk menghadapi opini pihak luar mengenai penampakan tersebut.

Walaupun ada banyak penampakan yang terdata (sekitar 32 penampakan) namun belum semuanya disahkan oleh Gereja Katolik, karena pengesahan ini melalui proses yang panjang dan sangat berhati – hati. Sesuai yang tertulis di Injil St Paulus berpesan kepada kita lewat suratnya (2Kor 1:14: ‘Seperti yang telah kamu pahamkan sebagiannya dari kami, yaitu bahwa pada hari Tuhan Yesus kamu akan bermegah atas kami seperti kami juga akan bermegah atas kamu.’) bahwa Iblis dapat menyamar menyerupai malaikat terang, dan juga rasul Yohanes dalam suratnya (1Yoh 4:1:’Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, janganlah percaya akan setiap roh, tetapi ujilah roh-roh itu, apakah mereka berasal dari Allah; sebab banyak nabi-nabi palsu yang telah muncul dan pergi ke seluruh dunia.’) mengingatkan perlunya untuk menguji roh, sebab banyak nabi – nabi palsu yang telah muncul dan pergi ke seluruh dunia. “Demikianlah kita mengenal Roh Allah : setiap roh yang mengaku bahwa Yesus Kristus telah datang sebagai manusia, berasal dari Allah.” Perikop lain yang menjadi dasar discernment kita adalah dari Mat 7:15-16 “Waspadalah terhadap nabi-nabi palsu yang datang kepadamu dengan menyamar seperti domba, tetapi sesungguhnya mereka adalah serigala yang buas. Dari buahnyalah kami akan mengenal mereka. Dapatkah orang memetik buah anggur dari semak duri atau buah ara dari rumput duri? “

Penampakan di Guadalupe di Mexico

Bunda Maria menampakan diri 4 kali kepada Juan Diego tahun 1531 di Tepeyac hill dekat Mexico City,

Penampakan di Guadelupe akan dibahas lebih detail di sesi CGG depan.

Penampakan di Rue du Bac, Paris

Bunda Maria menampakan diri 3 kali kepada Catherine Laboure di chapel of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul tahun 1830, dan memberinya desain Miraculous Medal. Pesan – pesan Bunda Maria kepada St. Catherine:

Mary told Catherine that God wished to charge her with a mission, that she would have trials to bear and many difficulties to overcome, but that she would always have an inner certainty as to what she should do. She was told to tell everything she saw and heard to her confessor.
Mary then continued: “There will be bad times to come. Misfortunes will come crashing down on France. The throne will be toppled. The whole world will be turned upside-down by misfortunes of all kinds […] But come to the foot of this altar. There, graces will be poured out on all those, small, or great, who ask for them with confidence and fervour. Graces will be poured out especially on those who ask for them.”
Mary then returned to the theme of the sorrows coming to France and the whole world, but told her not to be afraid, since she would always be protected and granted many graces. A moment would come when everything would seem lost, but she should continue to have confidence since God was with her. Other communities and individuals though would have to suffer.
Mary continued with tears in her eyes: “There will be victims […] There will be victims among the clergy of Paris; Monsignor the Archbishop will die […] My child, the cross will be held in contempt. It will be thrown to the ground. Blood will flow. Our Saviour’s side will be opened anew. The streets will run with blood. Monsignor the Archbishop will be stripped of his vestments […] My child, the whole world will be plunged into gloom.”
She was also told about the new Association to be founded, the Children of Mary, of the way May would become a special Marian month, and of how devotion to the Sacred Heart would greatly increase.
“The ball which you see represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular. These rays symbolise the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.”
“Have a Medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence.”

Penampakan di La Salette, Perancis

Bunda Maria menampakan diri kepada Maximin Giraud (11) dan Melanie Calvat (14) tahun 1846 ketika mereka sedang menggembalakan ternak di gunung. Bunda Maria dengan sedih berpesan kepada mereka untuk menyerukan pertobatan dari dosa.

“If my people do not obey, I shall be compelled to loose my Son’s arm. It is so heavy I can no longer restrain it. How long have I suffered for you! If my son is not to abandon you, I am obliged to entreat Him without ceasing. But you take no heed of that. No matter how well you pray in the future, no matter how well you act, you will never be able to make up to me what I have endured on your behalf. I have given you six days to work. The seventh I have reserved for myself, yet no one will give it to me. This is what causes the weight of my Son’s arm to be so crushing. The cart drivers cannot swear without bringing in my Son’s name. These are the two things which make my son’s arm so heavy.” The Lady then went on to speak about the coming punishments for these sins of Sabbath breaking and blasphemy, including crop blights and famine

She then asked a significant question: “Do you say your prayers well, my children?” They replied that they hardly prayed, and she told them they should say at least their morning and night prayers, before continuing: “Only a few rather old women go to Mass in the summer. Everyone else works every Sunday all summer long. And in the winter, when they don’t know what else to do, they go to Mass only to scoff at religion. During Lent, they go to the butcher shops like dogs.

Penampakan di Lourdes, Perancis

Bunda Maria menampakan diri kepada Bernadette Soubirous (14) , sebanyak 18 kali, Bunda Maria memperkenalkan diri sebagai “ The immaculate Conception” dan berpesan untuk berdoa dan menyerukan pertobatan bagi orang-orang berdosa. Kata – kata Bunda Maria saat bercakap cakap dengan St Bernadette :

“It is not necessary.” (On being offered pen and paper by Bernadette and asked to write down what she wanted)
“Would you have the graciousness to come here for fifteen days?” “I do not promise you happiness in this world, but in the next.”
“Pray for sinners.” “Go drink at the spring and wash yourself in it.” “Penance! Penance! Penance!”
Bernadette was also told to eat some leaves from a green herb.
“Kiss the ground as a penance for sinners.” “You will tell the priests to have a chapel built here.”
A reiteration of the request for a chapel and a further one that people should come to the grotto in procession. Mary explained to Bernadette why she had not seen her because, “there were people here who wanted to see your face in my presence, and they were unworthy of it. They spent the night at the Grotto and profaned it.”
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Penampakan di Pontmain, Perancis

Bunda Maria menampakan diri di langit kepada sekelompok anak muda selama 3 jam pada Januari 1871 dengan memberikan pesan yang tertulis di langit :

“But pray my children. God will hear you in a short time. My Son allows Himself to be moved by compassion.”

Penampakan di Knock, Ireland

Bunda Maria menampakan diri di Knock County Mayo, bersama Santo Yosef, dan rasul Yohanes mempersembahkan anak domba di altar, penampakan ini dilihat sedikitnya 15 orang. Tidak ada pesan tertulis ataupun verbal dalam penampakan ini

Penampakan di Fatima, Portugal

Bunda Maria menampakan diri di Fatima 6 kali antara bulan Mei dan Oktober 1917, kepada 3 anak – anak: Lucia, Jacinta dan Francisco, ia memperkenalkan diri sebagai : Ratu Rosario. Bunda Maria berpesan untuk berdoa rosario setiap hari dan berkorban untuk pertobatan orang berdosa. Pesan-pesan lisan Bunda Maria kepada 3 anak tersebut dapat dibaca di sesi CG tahun lalu.

Penampakan di Beauraing, Belgia

Bunda Maria manampakan diri 33 kali ke sekelompok anak pada musim dingin tahun 1932-1933. Ia memperkenalkan diri sebagai “the immaculate virgin”, “mother of God”, dan “Queen of heaven”

“Always be good.” Mary indicated that she was the Immaculate Virgin when questioned, and told the children to return on 8 December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. When asked by Fernande if she wanted a chapel built, she replied, “Yes,” before disappearing.
Mary again asked for a chapel.
“My last apparition will take place soon.”
“Pray, pray very much.”
“Pray always”
Mary told the children that she would speak to each of them separately and gave each a secret before bidding them farewell.

Penampakan di Banneux, Belgia

Bunda Maria menampakkan diri 8 kali kepada Mariette Beco (11), di depan rumahnya di Banneux, Ia memperkenalkan diri sebagai Virgin of the Poor, dan berjanji untuk mendoakan orang – orang sakit, miskin dan menderita.

Kata- kata yang diucapkan bunda Maria dalam penampakan ini :

“This stream is reserved for me, Good evening.”
“Push your hands into the water.”
“I am the Virgin of the poor.”
“This spring is reserved for all the nations – to relieve the sick.”
“I shall pray for you. Au Revoir.”
“I come to relieve suffering.”
“Believe in me, I will believe in you. Pray much. Au Revoir.”
“My dear child, pray much. Au Revoir.”
“I am the Mother of the Saviour, Mother of God, Pray much. Adieu.”

Pertanyaan :

  1. Apa “main theme” dari pesan Ilahi yang disampaikan Bunda Maria lewat penampakan – penampakannya?
    Seruan pertobatan, ajakan untuk berdoa, dan pengorbanan untuk dosa -dosa
  2. Menanggapi pesan – pesan ilahi yang disampaikan Bunda Maria lewat penampakan, apa menurut anda yang harus anda lakukan sebagai umat Katolik?
  3. Adakah pesan – pesan Ilahi dari Bunda Maria yang menyentuh hati anda, sharingkan dengan teman satu sel.
  4. Apa jawaban anda apabila ada orang Kristen lain yang menanyakan keabsahan penampakan ini?
    Tetap ditanya, boleh dibahas minta pendapat anggota, tetapi jawaban akan dibahas di CGG



Closing prayer

Berdoalah 3x Salam Maria dengan hati yang bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak tergesa-gesa.