Jawaban untuk fasil akan ditampilkan

Sesi 12 - Week of 17th Dec 2018

Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony


Pada CG kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam tentang the vocation of holy orders (imamat) dan the vocation of holy matrimony (hidup perkawinan) lewat video-video sharing tentang kedua panggilan ini.

Setiap orang yang dibaptis diutus sebagai imam dan berpartisipasi dalam karya keselamatan Allah. Namun, Tuhan memanggil beberapa dari kita yang dibaptis untuk sebuah pelayanan khusus di dalam Gereja. Panggilan ini adalah panggilan imamat (holy orders). Imam yang ditahbiskan memiliki peranan istimewa dalam pelayanannya untuk bertindak sebagai pribadi Kristus (in persona Christi). Imam juga berperan dalam memberikan rahmat sakramen-sakramen kepada umat.

Berbeda dengan sakramen inisiasi (Sakramen Baptis, Krisma, Ekaristi) yang membawa kita ke dalam rahmat persekutuan dengan Gereja, sakramen imamat (holy orders) dan perkawinan (holy matrimony) adalah sakramen of service dimana rahmat sakramen ini memampukan kita untuk melayani. Tuhan menyatukan suami dan istri ke dalam perkawinan dan memberi mereka rahmat untuk bertumbuh dalam cinta tanpa pamrih satu sama lain dan untuk anak-anak mereka. Kasih ini membangun Tubuh Kristus dan menjadi saksi di dunia. Kasih yang memberi hidup dan saling memaafkan di dalam pernikahan mencerminkan secara nyata, kasih di dalam Allah Tritunggal. Karena alasan ini, pernikahan lebih dari sekedar kontrak, namun sebuah perjanjian (covenant). Artinya, pernikahan adalah ikrar tanpa syarat, saling mencintai dan menghormati satu sama lain “dalam untung dan malang, di waktu sehat dan sakit, dalam suka dan suka; sepanjang hidupku”.


Kita akan menonton dua video tentang holy orders dan dua video tentang holy matrimony. Mari kita menonton video yang pertama.

Video 1

Ydisciple – Called , Session 3: Called to Holy Orders Part 2 (~5-6 menit)

Dalam video ini Fr Paul Hoesing menjelaskan tentang imam dan hidup selibat.


Jesus chose to remain celibate and not marry. In fact, He said that in the kingdom of heaven there will be no marriage. In the Gospel of Matthew we read: “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven” (22:30).

  1. Mengapa tidak ada perkawinan di surga?
    Why do you think there will be no marriage in heaven?

Catatan fasil: Married love is meant to prepare us for the love that is experienced in heaven. Jesus demonstrated that love to us: total self-gift. Sacramental marriage provides the grace for husbands and wives to grow in love that is total self-gift. In heaven, love will not be shared exclusively with one person but with all the saints. Therefore, there will be no marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity [celibacy], and obedience are a sign of the love shared in heaven. “In the consecrated life, Christ’s faithful, moved by the Holy Spirit, propose to follow Christ more nearly, to give themselves to God who is loved above all and, pursuing the perfection of charity in the service of the Kingdom, to signify and proclaim in the Church the glory of the world to come” [916].

  1. Bagaimana hidup selibat membantu seorang imam untuk memenuhi banyak tanggung jawab dan kebutuhan orang-orang yang dia temui setiap hari?
    How does celibacy help a priest fulfill the many responsibilities and needs of people he encounters every day?

Catatan fasil: A celibate priest is free from the responsibilities of marriage and family life, which allows him to be more available to the needs of people in his parish, community, and diocese. As Father Hoesing said: “The priest, in his very presence, is declaring to the whole world what Jesus proclaimed: ‘I am with you always, until the end of the world.’”

Video 2

Ydisciple – Called, Session 3: Called to Holy Orders Part 4 (~12.5 menit; credits setelah menit 10:30 dapat diskip)

Dalam video ini, kita melihat sharing para imam tentang berkat-berkat imamat mereka.


  1. Seorang pria menulis tentang pengalamannya kembali mengaku dosa setelah 20 tahun: “Saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi pada saya dalam ruang pengakuan itu. Saya pikir saya berbicara dengan seorang pria. Saat saya mulai mengaku dosa, saya mulai menangis tak terkendali. Saya menyadari bahwa saya berhadapan muka dengan Yesus! ”Bagaimana pengalaman pria ini menekankan pentingnya pelayanan imamat?
    A man writes about his experience of returning to Confession after 20 years: “I had no idea what would happen to me in that confessional. I thought I was going to talk to a man and clear my conscience. As I confessed, I began to cry uncontrollably. I realized I was face to face with Jesus!” How does this man’s experience emphasize the importance of the ministerial priesthood?

Catatan fasil: Jesus promised that He would remain with us: “And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” [Matthew 28:20]. Jesus ministers to us through His priests and the priest acts in the person of Christ. St. John Vianney writes: “What is a priest? A man who holds the place of God—a man who is invested with all the powers of God… When the priest remits sins, he does not say, ‘God pardons you’; he says, ‘I absolve you.’ At the Consecration, he does not say, ‘This is the Body of Our Lord;’ he says, ‘This is My Body.’”

Pertanyaan Sharing

  1. Apakah ada seorang imam yang menginspirasi kamu? Sharingkan!
    Do you have a story of a priest who has inspired you?

Kita akan membahas tentang Holy Matrimony pada video ketiga dan keempat.

Video 3

Ydisciple – Called, Session 5: Called to Holy Matrimony Part 1 (~6 menit)

Pada video ini Scott dan Annie, pasangan suami istri, mensharingkan pengalaman mereka tentang panggilan mereka untuk hidup perkawinan. Scott dan Annie menceritakan cara mereka untuk mencari tahu dan mempersiapkan diri untuk panggilan mereka. Keduanya menyerahkan hidup mereka kepada Yesus, tumbuh dalam pemahaman dan cinta mereka terhadap Kitab Suci dan Gereja. Selain itu, mereka berdua dengan tulus melihat panggilan mereka melalui doa, dating fast, dan mengunjungi komunitas-komunitas seperti komunitas Fransiskan.


  1. Annie merasakan panggilan yang kuat untuk misi (yaitu untuk memulai camp musim panas Katolik) daripada panggilan kuat ke vocation nya (hidup perkawinan). Pada awalnya, dia merasakan pertentangan antara panggilan dan tujuan karirnya. Namun, ia akhirnya menemukan kedamaian dalam memberikan tujuannya kepada Tuhan dan percaya bahwa entah bagaimana mereka akan terpenuhi dalam vocation nya. Mengapa penting untuk memberi prioritas pada panggilan kita daripada karir atau pencapaian hidup?
    Annie felt a strong call to mission—to start a Catholic summer camp—before a strong call to her vocation. In the beginning, she felt some tension between her potential vocation and her career goals. However, she eventually found peace in giving her goals to God and trusting that somehow they would be fulfilled in her vocation. Why is it important to give priority to our vocation over career or life goals?

Catatan fasil: God’s plan for you is a plan of love. He desires that you would be perfected in love.

The Church calls this “perfection of love” sanctification or holiness. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3 we read, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” The vocation God has for you is uniquely designed for your holiness, and you were created to be personally fulfilled in holiness. We need to trust that we will be happiest in the vocation God has for us, which is why discerning and embracing our vocation needs to take priority.

Di dalam video ini juga dijelaskan bahwa kita dipanggil untuk menjadi kudus (we are all called to be holy) apapun panggilan kita, baik itu single, married, priest atau religious life. Jika kita ingin semakin dekat kepada Tuhan, kita tidak perlu takut. Tuhan akan memberi kita kedamaian, sukacita, dan passion akan panggilan kita. Kita hanya perlu menjaga agar mata kita tetap tertuju kepada Yesus.

Video 4

Ydisciple – Called, Session 5: Called to Holy Matrimony Part 2 (~6 menit)

Pada video ini kita melihat sharing Scott dan Annie dalam proses discernment mereka ke hidup perkawinan.


  1. Mengapa Yesus menjadikan perkawinan sebagai sakramen?
    Why do you think Jesus made Holy Matrimony a sacrament?

Catatan fasil: Pope St. John Paul II wrote: “The history of mankind, the history of salvation, passes by way of the family” [Letter to Families, 23]. In other words, the family

is essential to Jesus’ work of salvation in the world because the family is meant to reflect the love and life within the Blessed Trinity. Every human being is called to this blessed life in heaven. So, the stakes are high! That is why God has made Marriage a sacrament. Husbands and wives need the grace to become who God intended them to be as “two become one flesh” [Genesis 2:24]. It might seem impossible for two people, with fallen human natures, to be united in love and service to one another for a lifetime. But, as Jesus said: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” [Matthew 19:26].

  1. Menurutmu mengapa begitu signifikan bahwa mujizat pertama Yesus dilakukan di pesta perkawinan?
    Why do you think it is significant that the first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding?

Catatan fasil: Marriage is often the metaphor used throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, for God’s covenant love with His people, Israel. For example, Isaiah 54:5 says: “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church” [1661]. Jesus is the bridegroom and the Church His bride. In other words, the covenant of Marriage is a sign of God’s faithful and steadfast love for each of us. Given that marriage is so important to God, it is fitting that Jesus would perform His first miracle by abundantly blessing a marriage feast. Jesus desires to be at the center of a marriage relationship and bless that union abundantly.

Pertanyaan Sharing

  1. Bagaimana pandanganmu tentang panggilan hidup perkawinan?
  2. Apakah kamu memiliki cerita sebuah kehidupan perkawinan yang membuatmu inspiredatau discouraged? Sharingkan!


Ydisciple – Called, Session 3: Called to Holy Orders, formed.org.

Ydisciple – Called, Session 5: Called to Holy Matrimony, formed.org.